1. Appreciated the use of "bastardization"

2. I want a simple explanation of what you would have SOTU's look like. Just being more real about everything ("met the moment" as you say)?

3. I feel like I'm being led on with the podcast. Is it happening or not? What does "sooooooon" really mean?

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1. Thank you

2. In my ideal world, there is no State of the Union address. The president would create a report on the state of the union that he or she would deliver to congress. This would include state of government agencies; the situation of the American people, financial and otherwise; how are our key strategic alliances; crime in the country; threats to the country, both internal and external; etc. I recognize that parts of the federal government already brief congress on these things on an ongoing basis, but this would be a formalized report that condenses everything into a single deliverable once a year. If a President did this and then actually briefed both houses of congress in tandem with that, I would poop my pants. But ideally there would be no speech tied to this, because there was never supposed to be a political element to the state of the union.

3. "'Sooooooon'" means today or tomorrow.

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