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WOW I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you guys!

- my first concert was the black eyed peas when I was 16 for my friend’s birthday. I do not care about the black eyed peas but we got to go all by ourselves and I felt SO grown up. LMFAO opened for them - throwback!

- the best weddings I’ve been to are ones where the guests really feel like part of the family - I just went to my husband’s childhood friend’s wedding and even though I knew almost no one, they just had such a friendly and welcoming community of friends and family that it was so much fun! Good food is a MUST but it definitely doesn’t have to be a whole meal. one recent wedding I went to served soft pretzels with different dips and custom sodas and it was top notch.

- wedding pet peeves: unclear dress codes! Don’t say it’s formal when what you really mean is dresses and suits! Also, choreographed dances?? Unless you’re like a professional dancer, it is not entertaining to watch you and your dad do an embarrassing dance that you both forgot half the move to. Obvs the garter toss! Also, gross cake!! A cake’s primary function is to be DELICIOUS. Any decorative component should never result in the sacrificing of flavor!

Wow I was not planning to write this much but apparently I really needed to get some stuff off my chest.

Thanks guys! Come back soon!

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